Cdd20 / Pixabay

Science Fiction is a wide a vast genre, it has produced a lot of films, shows, books…etc. and is a widely loved genre. Like who doesn’t love Star WarsStar TrekBack to the Future and even the Jurassic Park franchise. Point is Science fiction has a huge fan base whether it is just some casual moviegoers or hard-core fans of a specific science fiction franchise, but was it always like this? did everyone love science fiction? No, it was not, turns out Science fiction was not popular amongst women until the 1960’s and why is that? 


One reason for this could be the fact that there was a gender discrimination against women in the past which more than likely could have led to the fact that science fiction was not popular amongst women back then. Now I am sure there was some women back then that were fans of science fiction and read frequently but that number so comparingly low compared to today and one thing to notice is that in the present there is not as big as a women discrimination, it is still there but not as bad as back then. So, in conclusion it is reasonable to say and think that the women discriminations in the past could be one of the reasons why science fiction was not popular amongst women back then. 


Another completely possible and valid reason for the lack of women science fiction fans back then could be the fact that at the time science fiction was not completely appealing to women back then. The typical plot to science fiction could’ve not have been appealing to them back then and even bigger there were simply not enough good well written Women characters that these women could relate to or even little girls looking up to them, there was simply not enough well written women characters in science fiction that women could admire and respect. 


So, I conclude that the reasoning behind the lack of women fans of science fiction in the past is because of the following there was gender discrimination against women in the past which could be possibility for it and there simply was not enough well written women characters in science fiction that women could respect and admire.